Playlist of the Ancient Dead : Aaron Frale

Book review for : Playlist of the Ancient Dead
Author : Aaron Frale
Rating : 4 stars

A quick read, something different

Based on the cover, I expected 4 stars for this book. But I didn’t come across it myself (the author contacted me), so I did start it with some apprehension…
…and read it all in a couple of hours. At no point did I have to make the decision to abandon the journey or hold on until the end, because I enjoyed it all.

It’s a crazy story that gets confusing at some points. Without giving anything away, the main character (Caroline) simply opens a door in an attempt to hide from her ex, only it turns out that, for most people, there just… isn’t a door. So this super secret organization recruits her for an expedition into this mysterious warehouse.
A warehouse full of horrifying rooms, conjured up by songs.

The plot is basically horror so was pretty predictable, but the background story of the warehouse is something I’ve never seen before.

Most of the characters started out really annoying, and actually grew on me. I was impressed with Caroline’s development. And I appreciated that although Caroline (and some of the others) had strong views about various topics (like environmentalism) they seemed kind of receptive to other ideas, and I didn’t feel like the author was trying to convert me to his point of view.

Good writing, only a couple of errors. Made me laugh at least once. 4 stars.

(Note: I received a copy of this ebook from the author. Read on the Kindle app on an iPad.)


Originally reviewed on Amazon in 2015. The author has since published more, on my to-read list.

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