Tales of Mundane Magic: Volume 2 : Shaina Krevat

Book review for : Tales of Mundane Magic: Volume 2
Author : Shaina Krevat
Rating : 4 stars
Series : book 2 of a continuing series

Continuing the magic, one story at a time

What’s life like in a world where there really is magic? It doesn’t have to be all adventure and villains and quests.

Tales of Mundane Magic is a slice of life that follows the magical sisters Gertie and Bridget. With each chapter, you get a look into a part of their life, whether it’s buying a hat (that goes back in time) or smuggling a poltergeist across the ocean so he can be with his family.

Your knowledge of the world, of the magical school, and of the Mallon family is revealed bit by little bit through these stories.

I find it a fun thing to read at breakfast, or right before bed, because it’s short and cute, and most of the stories (chapters) are self-contained. (Some cross multiple chapters.)

Thanks to Shaina for sending me a copy of the book to review! I read it as an ePub on my iPad Pro, which worked wonderfully.


Review also posted on Amazon. 

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