The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England

Book review for : The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England
Author : Brandon Sanderson
Rating : 5 stars
Series: book x of x

Well, that was fun.

It’s better to go into this book without knowing the plot so I’m not going to summarize it here. The general feel is isekai tongue-in-cheek sci-fi-slash-fantasy adventure revenge romance. For Sanderson, this puts it more in line with his Alkatraz books, but less silly (probably). 

I got the printed book and loved the illustrations. Although some parts of the plot were predictable there were elements I didn’t expect. I enjoyed the world and the characters (although none had much dimension other than the main character). Maybe it was tied up in a pretty little bow a bit much, but, that’s kind of the book it is. Some heavy topics but not TOO HEAVY thank you very much. 

A delight to read. 

Review also posted on Goodreads. 

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